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Críticas (335)


The Post (2017) 

inglês An extremely important topic especially at a time when many politicians mistake democratically won elections for absolutism, and the general society-wide sentiment is now particularly unfavorable to independent journalism. So it’s really sad to see that Spielberg is playing it too safe in this movie. Great content, but the form makes it mind-numbingly boring. Meryl Streep’s Oscar nomination was way off in this case.


Maria Madalena (2018) 

inglês Finally, a movie with this theme which is filmed without trying to score points on exaggerated gore, or the contrary, uncritical adoration of the greatest story of all time. Great acting performances, but the pace could have been a little faster and the technical and musical aspect could have been more inventive. However, I appreciate the telling of the story from a completely different angle. The many times confirmed phrase “cherchez la femme” does apply here.


Legítimo Rei (2018) 

inglês Genuinely medieval with a damn good atmosphere, frantic pace, charismatic Pine and, on top of all that, Taylor-Johnson in a real psycho mode. A perfect treat with enough material for an entire miniseries, unnecessarily cut down to 120 minutes. I could definitely handle more.


Os Empatas (2018) 

inglês A standard American crude comedy about adolescence and the problems that go with the territory. Except for a few over-the-top scenes, it's surprisingly hilarious and will serve perfectly as a relaxing evening movie. In the end it is not just the young ones but also the adult characters who learn a lesson about themselves. So, as for me, definitely a thumbs up. By the way, though he obviously can't compare with the unrivaled Arnold, John Cena was a perfect choice for the role of a dim-witted muscleman.


Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) 

inglês I find it hard to rate this for a number of reasons. Queen are an absolute legend and their music is a true masterpiece. I have seen this happen many times - wherever their music is used, the result is always awesome, so the creators had a much easier job, because no matter how they filmed it, it could never turn into a complete disappointment. The story of this legendary band itself was actually much more dramatic. The movie barely scratches the surface, never cutting to the core. A lot of the things are over-simplified, not just regarding the way it is filmed, but also due to gaping holes in the story. I don’t mind the fact that the rest of the band gets pretty much ignored. Freddie gets all the attention, because (although the creators and especially the living band members/producers probably wanted to convince us otherwise) his story is simply the most interesting one. But even that feels incomplete - I didn't actually learn anything new or fundamental, and it's an even greater shame as the creators had Rami Malek at their disposal, whose rendition of Mercury’s mannerisms and speech was spot on. All the hit songs were written without showing their true inspiration or meaning, they simply came into existence, period. Yes, everything is sort of implied, but none of it is developed in a satisfactory way. The editing is sometimes confusing, or at least I felt that some scenes lacked continuity. Anyway, to get back to the beginning of my review after such a long digression - can you really be disappointed after watching Bohemian Rhapsody? Absolutely not, because even if they screened YouTube videos of their concerts instead of the movie, it would still be an amazing experience thanks to Mercury's perfect singing and his incredible ability to wrap the audience around his finger. And even if you were (theoretically speaking) untouched by Queen's music, the final part at Wembley is something absolutely spectacular, and it is where the emotions really fly high and its energy is so over-whelming that it will draw you in and won't let go.


O Bom, o Mau e o Vilão (1966) 

inglês The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is not only a perfect conclusion to The Dollars Trilogy, but it is also an absolute gem of film history. Every aspect of this epic film is phenomenal, with each viewing as unique to me as the first and you just can’t argue with the claim that it is perhaps the best movie of all time.


Missão: Impossível - Fallout (2018) 

inglês An absolutely perfect prototype of a summer blockbuster in which the action starts from the very first seconds and does not take its foot off the gas till the end. I would best compare this endless adrenaline rush to the third Bourne movie or The Dark Knight, and it is from the latter one that Fallout takes inspiration for some of its action scenes as well as picking familiar elements from the soundtrack. Technically it's all done perfectly, and you can clearly tell that the action scenes were filmed realistically without the use of a green screen. This brings me to the top dog of Hollywood. Think what you will about Tom Cruise, but you rarely see someone who makes films so diligently, doggedly, without any stunt doubles and, above all, for the viewer. Considering that he was 55 (!) at the time of filming, what he shows here almost violates the laws of nature, and the other actors go all out in their roles as well. If you add the customary endless supply of major and (for the most part) unexpected twists, betrayals, and last-minute rescues, you get exactly the type of action movie that is increasingly unique nowadays and a must for every movie fan. My only quibble? The famous fifth installment was practically impossible to match, and indeed, in terms of the originality of the script, or attention to detail and surprising twists, the sleeker Rogue Nation remains unsurpassed.


Tomb Raider: O Começo (2018) 

inglês The best video game adaptation yet? Definitely! The 2013 game reboot is totally awesome and belongs to one of my favorite games ever, and this movie version surely does it justice. The trailers didn’t look all that promising, but it turned out to be a really fun adventure movie of the kind I haven’t seen in a long time. The film version naturally doesn’t offer as much space to explain all the actions and motivations, but even so, it all somehow manages to make sense. Like the game itself, it is a blend of survival, action, thrilling, moving and amusing moments, and it also features some familiar highlights from the game. In fact, it's a two-hour extract reasonably adapted to the movie screen and it couldn’t have turned out any better. To top it all off, Alicia Vikander, unlike Jolie, gives it a really human dimension and is clearly ten times better an actor.


Ready Player One: Jogador 1 (2018) 

inglês A massive surprise! The mediocre marketing campaign and unimpressive trailers reduced my expectations to the bare minimum. However, the rumors about one of the most entertaining sci-fi adventure movies did the trick and I ended up going to the cinema with the simple goal of enjoying myself. Well, I sure did, and I got exactly the type of movie that, even if it lasted three hours, it would still be entertaining. A movie with the largest number of pop culture references per square meter and generally made with such a love for film, games and music. It's basically a tonic for the soul. Clear visuals, great soundtrack, great cast, endless adventure and, above all, pure entertainment. The best Spielberg film in at least the last 15 years.


Por Treze Razões (2017) (série) 

inglês An incredibly powerful story full of pain and helplessness, getting darker, more painful and increasingly emotionally fraught with each episode, to such an extent that I only managed to watch the last episodes by sheer force of will. Personally, I really like intelligent high school series about the real power of love and friendship, as well as the problems brought about by adolescence. But for me personally, 13 Reasons Why is the first of its kind that took all that heartache and soul-ache to such an extreme level, shattering me to pieces and making me think all kinds of thoughts. More such series, please, because (especially, but not just in America) it represents a truly mind-blowing testimony of a generation. S01: 10/10. S02: 8/10. The third season is a detective story which gets more thrilling with each new episode, so in the last one you are in anticipation of a surprising unraveling in the style of “Murder on the Orient Express”. Instead, it's a huge disappointment - the ending of the detective story line is something so insanely illogical, unrealistic, and badly written, that I really struggle to keep myself from ignoring all the previous episodes and giving the whole season a much lower rating. Good acting performances, but I can’t help thinking they should have called it quits after the excellent first season. S03: 6/10.