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Críticas (335)


Učiteľka (2016) 

inglês And that’s how it was with everything in those shitty times. All the people were equal, but unfortunately some were more equal than others, so there were so many mental cripples in this country to make you lose your mind. Intimidation, blackmail, dismissal from work for having an opinion or for a bad background check, bootlicking, corruption, you name it. They say we never achieved true communism, but even those decades of Soviet-style socialism screwed up the morale of this nation for generations to come. Hopefully, this country will never repeat similar leftist experiments because we might not be able to handle a second load of such filth. Anyway, the movie was very well made in terms of acting, Hřebejk's minimalist style and great soundtrack.


Liga da Justiça (2017) 

inglês There are so many things wrong with this movie that I don't even feel like going into much detail. A total mess that makes absolutely no sense, with a plot that has been seen a million times before (and practically never works) and a completely generic villain. It was all edited by a lunatic who managed to cut it down to a two-hour runtime but gave up on any kind of continuity, leaving gaping holes in the story. The whole screenplay is synonymous with stupidity. Even good actors give poor performances, as those idiotic dialogues really don’t leave them much of a choice. Moreover, the lack of previous solo movies led to a large number of superfluous supporting characters. Despite an insanely big budget, it’s overloaded with some terrible CGI. You can also tell that everything was filmed in a studio (there is a total absence of extras, so even though it’s about saving the world, there are altogether 30 people in this movie). I could go on. I would highlight some good jokes and (the visual aspect of) Gal Gadot, otherwise it’s a complete waste of potential, the result being an undisputed flop.


Um Desastre de Artista (2017) 

inglês It would be completely pointless to watch this movie without seeing The Room first. If you have seen it, you're in for an absolutely amazing experience. For me personally, this is one of the most hilarious movies in recent years. The people around James Franco and Seth Rogen are exactly my kind of people and The Disaster Artist is probably their masterpiece. James Franco puts on a perfect one-man show, and though his brother Dave will always be the younger, lesser known, less talented and less frequently cast of the two brothers, his performance is also extraordinary. I generally love watching movies about movies. With such perfection, as in this case thanks to Franco, I couldn't possibly ask for more. In short, this movie is not only about the love of film and filmmaking, but also a great story about the power of true friendship.


Prezidentský duel – finále (2018) (programa) 

inglês A spectacular debate! Especially compared to those previous pathetic farces on commercial television, the debate on public service television sounded exactly like a presidential debate should. Excellent Světlana Witowská, who was not only extremely well-prepared, but was completely impartial and didn’t pull any punches for either of the two candidates and actually moderated the debate (what a difference compared to the desperate Voříšek, who wouldn't even know how to moderate a children's costume party)! Plus, the debate took place in a calm environment where the candidates had enough space for their answers and the audience mostly behaved in a civilized manner (which could not be said of the previous debate on the Prima channel, where there was a herd of cattle instead of an audience who turned the debate into a totally unbearable farce). Both candidates talked respectably and objectively. In fact, something unprecedented happened. For more than 25 years of his political career, Miloš Zeman had been building up a reputation of an eloquent speaker and an unmatched rival. That is, up until today's debate. I expected that even a draw would be a miracle and an excellent result for Jiří Drahoš, but, objectively speaking, he ultimately handled the debate better than Zeman. Drahoš was more active, more accurate, more matter-of-fact and he even got Zeman on the defensive a few times, which was the last thing I’d expected. Zeman seemed really tired towards the end, and it’s a shame that he doesn’t have enough common sense to acknowledge that he isn’t in a good shape for another five-year term, which anyone in their right mind can tell. Thank you, Czech TV, and thank you, Světlana Witowská, for making me believe there can still be decency and objectiveness in Czech politics.


The Room (2003) 

inglês The film is so bad it's actually brilliant. An exquisite gem that goes beyond the bizarre. Lousy quality in all respects and a complete lack of logic. I would be lying if I said I hadn't had fun watching this, though. You shouldn’t worry too much about why the characters start playing catch all of a sudden or why they change opinions literally in mid-sentence because nothing at all makes sense here. Absolutely random shots of the San Francisco skyline accompanied by (all sarcasm aside) a perfect central musical theme, with acting (uhm) performances from another planet. The script is terrible, but whenever Tommy Wiseau is on screen, prepare to be (if unintentionally) amused. A well-deserved cult status. "Oh, hi, Mark."


Miss Sloane - Uma Mulher de Armas (2016) 

inglês A brilliant conversation drama moving at such breakneck speed that will blow your mind right from the start. But even if you don’t really care about the issue of gun ownership in the US, there is another reason to watch this movie: the perfect performance of Jessica Chastain who is at her absolute best, so that the screenwriter and director don’t seem to be able to keep up with her. Her not getting an Oscar nomination for Best Actress is an insult in this case. However, as far as gun ownership is concerned, members of both camps will enjoy this movie because it’s not biased in favor of either side. It’s a pure drama full of dirty politics and lobbying with a distorted moral compass. A movie worth seeing.


Amor de Improviso (2017) 

inglês A standard relaxing feel-good movie which is predictable through and through. But such movies are necessary, too. It is not exactly a comedy which would have you roll on the floor, but rather an intelligent romance to make you chuckle. Despite the dramatic plot and some painful life lessons, it doesn’t turn into a tearjerker but retains its cynically humorous worldview. What's more, the main character's confrontation with his conservative Muslim background gives even completely banal situations a comedic touch. As a bonus, you will get bizarre yet hilarious lectures on Pakistan.


Star Wars: Episódio VIII - Os Últimos Jedi (2017) 

inglês Complete satisfaction on my part, that just gets better over time. Yes, Disney turned Star Wars into a cash cow, so there are some things in the movie whose sole purpose was to get more money out of it, with practically no impact on the story, but that’s what Lucas did, too. Yes, it's basically another fairy tale for adults, mainly about hope, but that’s what Star Wars have always been. Frankly, it’s what I love about them. My main point is that you shouldn’t really expect an overly objective review from me, because I have nothing but respect for Star Wars. My expectations of the eighth episode were extremely high, and I think Rian Johnson under (strict) Disney supervision managed to make the most of it. Compared to the previous episode, the atmosphere is darker, it is much more action-packed, the story is more relevant, and there are two factors which play a huge role in this. The first one is Mark Hamill, who, despite all the critics, showed that he can deliver an excellent performance. It is absolutely amazing here and it only confirms Luke Skywalker’s legendary status. The second factor for which it deserves the highest of ratings are the confrontations between Rey and Kylo Ren. I liked the whole new generation of characters, but the two lead actors were chosen perfectly in my view. Their conversations between the light and dark side of the Force were great, as were their duels in terms of choreography as well as surprising moments and suspense. If I factor in the amazing action scenes both on the ground and in space, the traditionally perfect soundtrack and all those moments I’d been anticipating for years, there is no point in hesitating to give this the highest rating.


Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague (2017) (concerto) 

inglês I had the privilege to go to this amazing concert and it was one of those moments that get stuck in your memory forever. Which is why I am incredibly happy that the released concert recording was from the Prague O2 arena, and it will always remind me of this concert in excellent quality. Each track has a different mood, and I enjoyed the upbeat first half as well as the more serious second half, most of which brought out strong emotions in me, and while remembering Heath Ledger and later the Colorado movie theater shooting, it became crystal clear to me that this is one of the most emotionally powerful concerts I will ever get to see. There's really no need to pinpoint why I like this or that particular soundtrack, it’s enough to just listen and enjoy the music along with recollections of the movies that every movie buff must love.


Atomic Blonde - Agente Especial (2017) 

inglês An entirely mediocre plot in a slightly above-average retro thriller, set in the Cold War period. I do not share other viewers’ moderate enthusiasm, because not only was I not impressed by Charlize Theron’s dispassionateness and coldness, but it downright annoyed me towards the end. In fact, the only character I was interested in was James McAvoy. Everything else was confusing, gray and dull. The single main action scene was great, but not as enjoyable as practically any such scene in John Wick. Besides, I'm afraid I won't even remember what it was about in a while, and the one boring viewing was enough, unlike the said John Wick which I’d gladly watch again any time.