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Críticas (10 848)


Kochaj i tańcz (2009) 

inglês If it weren't so unnecessarily long, it would be quite decent. There's some reference to Polish realities and history, but there isn't enough of it to prevent it from looking very American at times. It's almost a shame that the film was billed as a comedy, though, because it could have been better as a drama. Not exceptional, but probably better.


La tregua (1997) 

inglês This isn't exactly a World War II film that you'll remember for a long time; maybe it will easily blend in among others over time, but that's only because it doesn't push too hard, because John Torturro is so incredibly quiet and calm in it, even though he has been through horrifying events. Yet it goes on and on in a Europe that will never be the same again.


O Amor às 3 da Tarde (1972) 

inglês Eric Rohmer is from the French wave of distinctive, self-sufficient, and capable filmmakers whose films simply don't do it for me. But what I like about Chloe in the Afternoon is that it has something to say and communicates it in a relatively accessible way. It's simply a film about the fact that even if a person is happy in life, he can still do something that can - but may not - easily ruin it.


The Love Guru (2008) 

inglês Sure, it's terribly silly, and a lot of the jokes are awkward, but some of them are good, and I found myself laughing at the movie, which doesn't usually happen to me with really bad comedies. I had fun here and just marveled at the ideas the creators had, not to mention what some actors got themselves into. Stupid, but good stupid.


The Horde (2016) 

inglês I like B-movies and The Horde shows me why. They're simple, they're entertaining, they can push boundaries that mainstream doesn't want to explore much, especially in violence, and they don't care if they're silly. Sometimes they just are, so what? As long as the action and the execution are entertaining and the viewer is not bored. I was not bored in the case of this film.


Bataille du rail (1946) 

inglês When I found out that it's actually a documentary film with some passages being acted out, so a pseudo-documentary, I didn't think it could be good, but in the end, it turned out that the film is simply well-made, and the realism mixed with acting doesn't bother it significantly; on the contrary, it enhances the viewing experience.


Love on Ice (2017) (filme de TV) 

inglês It's probably not even worth mentioning the fact that it's very transparent and it's clear from the beginning how it's going to turn out. We simply watch more handsome guys and kitties finding their way to each other, but everything is done honorably, and there's never any sex involved. The best thing about this film is that it has some awesome figure skating scenes.


A Solidão dos Números Primos (2010) 

inglês A realistically conceived film about how sometimes our lives are destined to suck from the start, but how it's not necessarily factors we control. Sometimes it's just bad luck, fate, or whatever you want to call it. The performances are good, but story-wise, it just didn't manage to engage me, and the film didn't entertain me that much.


A terra treme (1948) 

inglês How do you make an interesting film about a Sicilian family that fishes and decides to break away from the local clique that controls the market and fish on their own? How do you make the film interesting in two hours, plus an extra half hour? Luchino Visconti has obviously found the recipe, because this is surprisingly good.


Love Blossoms (2017) 

inglês An expected and transparent romantic film... not even much of a comedy, just a lighthearted romantic film where it's clear who belongs together, it's clear how everything will end, and you can only enjoy imagining the scents you can't smell yourself, thanks to the nice camera work.