
  • inglês Coyote
Curta-metragem / Animação
Suíça, 2018, 10 min


The moon shines bright high above a landscape. What could be an idyllic setting quickly proves to be positively nightmarish. A man loses his wife and children, very narrowing escaping death himself. He attempts to evade the thoughts that plague him – thoughts that pursue him and won’t leave him in peace. He flees and causes a car accident, which he survives once more. A guitar riff rings out – a reference to Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill. Lorenz Wunderle’s animation is explicit, direct, brutal and colourful. This is not a film for quiet sounds and subtle gestures. Everything is over the top. A trip, in which any sense of proportion is thrown out the window, since mourning knows no proportions. A film about a potential essence of grief. (Berlinale)
