Big Fish Man

Documentário / Telerrealidade
Reino Unido, 2015, 6x45 min


Jakub Vágner


Jakub Vagner's dedicated his life to catching the world's biggest fish – and now he's heading out on a series of incredible journeys to some of the most inaccessible waters on the planet, hunting down freshwater giants that grow bigger than a man.
These fish are rare and extremely tough to catch but Jakub's a world-record-breaking fisherman who'll do whatever it takes to discover the secret lifestyles of these mighty predators.
To catch his targets, Jakub will paddle down jungle-rivers of the Amazon, he'll take on the Congo, Sub-Arctic Canada, Thai river deltas, brave the flooded rivers of Europe and trek to the remote corners of Mongolia.
Faced with daily threats and obstacles in hostile environments, Jakub will need ingenuity to outwit fish that are often older, wiser, bigger and stronger than him. Meeting local fishermen, or going it alone, he'll try ancient, modern, bizarre and sometimes wacky techniques to combat some of the most extreme fishing challenges imaginable. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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