
Jimmy, a vibrant ten-year-old boy, lives in a tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and most importantly, his best friend - a German shepherd named Rainy. When Jimmy's father gets a promotion, the family must relocate to an apartment in New York City that has a strict "no pet" policy. Unwilling to let his master go without a fight, Rainy embarks on a cross-country journey to New York - but navigating the Big Apple is just the beginning of his challenging adventure. Join Rainy and Jimmy in this family-friendly tale about devotion, true friendship and love. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


Bandas sonoras

Cool Dog

Cool Dog

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Lançada por: MovieScore Media

Ano: 2011

País: Suécia

Formato: CD

Duração: 44:33

1. Theme From Cool Dog Stephen Edwards 03:10
2. No Girl Splat Stephen Edwards 02:05
3. Ride The Train Stephen Edwards 00:25
4. No Mutts Stephen Edwards 02:03
5. Rathole Apartment Stephen Edwards 01:23
6. Left At Zoo Stephen Edwards 01:42
7. Follow The Licorice Stephen Edwards 02:55
8. Raney In Train Stephen Edwards 00:58
9. Jimmy Gets Picked On Stephen Edwards 01:29
10. Do You Allow Mutts ? Stephen Edwards 01:02
11. The Warehouse Stephen Edwards 02:05
12. Chase Your Balls Stephen Edwards 01:15
13. Bug The Exterminator Stephen Edwards 04:06
14. Illegal Pet Shop Chase Stephen Edwards 04:53
15. Raney Shows His Stuff Stephen Edwards 00:50
16. Raney Find Jimmy Stephen Edwards 00:54
17. Mayhem Flour Stephen Edwards 03:52
18. Raney Croaks, Uncroaks Stephen Edwards 04:34
19. Lose The Dog Stephen Edwards 02:51
20. Raney The Hero Stephen Edwards 01:28
21. Bullfighter Stephen Edwards 00:33