Os mais seguidos géneros / tipos / origens

  • Drama
  • Comédia
  • Filme policial
  • Ação
  • Terror

A crítica mais recente (7 593)


Undercover - Episode 3 (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Episode three felt different from the previous one —I  was even ready to write about the shift in atmosphere and the noticeable drop in action. What a fool I was! I totally underestimated the Koreans because after that wild ending, I had to check in the mirror to make sure I didn't have any blood splatters on my face. What I said about the change in atmosphere still stands, though. The police investigation, the action, and the various stakeouts (even if some were a bit naive) were just as entertaining as the previous gang training scenes. / Lesson learned: In crime? Always take out the scumbags; second chances are dangerous.


Undercover - Episode 2 (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Alright, so now I'm hooked on two shows where I'm apparently supposed to root for drug dealers and their associates. Honestly, I'm struggling with that a bit, so in a world where I have to choose between the mafia and crooked cops, I’m sticking to my neutral ground and enjoying the solid, action-packed spectacle the Korean creators have crafted. I'm having a good time so far, and the clear bonus for me is the lack of political correctness. There's no reason for me to rate it less than four stars. / Lesson learned: Porcelain urns have their advantages.


Undercover - Episode 1 (2021) (episódio) 

inglês I took another trip to the Korean Peninsula, and I surprisingly gave the pilot episode four stars. The show had a great pace and kept me entertained throughout. The main character was determined and resilient, but at times, she was surprisingly naive, which slightly detracted from her appeal. I hope the series continues in the same vein because what I've seen so far works for me. / Lesson learned: If a woman can casually fix her hair during intense physical exercise, don't underestimate her.

A avaliação mais recente (11 229)

The Constant Husband (1955)


1670 - Dżuma (2023) (episódio) (E05)


Please Turn Over (1959)


Prázdniny s Broučkem (2024)


Theo Von: Regular People (2021) (programa)


Sprint: Os Mais Velozes do Mundo (2024) (série)


Sprint: Os Mais Velozes do Mundo - Dupla viva (2024) (episódio) (E06)


Sprint: Os Mais Velozes do Mundo - Padrão ouro (2024) (episódio) (E05)


Sprint: Os Mais Velozes do Mundo - Provas e Provações (2024) (episódio) (E04)



O diário mais recente (14)

Ach jo...

Bořivoj Penc 1936- 2018.