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Filmes favoritos (10)

Um Peixe Chamado Wanda

Um Peixe Chamado Wanda (1988)

My absolute favorite comedy with an excellent screenplay written by John Cleese and full of my favorite English humor. The cast is fantastic, John Cleese's Archie Leach is the archetype of an English lawyer, Jamie Lee Curtis is irresistible, Michael Palin is superb as the stuttering animal lover, and Kevin Kline as the philosophy-loving dimwit is absolutely essential to the film. I also have to mention Maria Aitken who stood out as Wendy Leach, even though it was just a supporting role. I also need to mention Stephen Fry's small part. The film is funny all the way through, the pace is dynamic, and in no way does it let you get bored. There are some truly unforgettable scenes: Ken's attempts to kill the witness, Wanda's first introduction to Russian, Ken's torture and Ken's revenge at the airport, Wanda's testimony in court and many more. I've seen the film countless of times and I'm sure I'll see it many more times. At least I hope so.

A Vida de Brian

A Vida de Brian (1979)

The first time I saw The Life of Brian was in my 1st year of high school. It instantly became one of my favorite comedies and I’ll never get tired of watching it over and over again. If I were a devoted Catholic, I would have to whip myself with a barbed wire while watching it lest the Almighty think I was enjoying it. Hilarious scenes, great writing, and superb acting. The sheer number of memorable lines and historical references make this comedy absolutely timeless. All I have to do is think of Otto's suicide squad, Pilate, the ex-leper, or the line to the crucifixion, and I'm chuckling to myself again.

Soldados do Universo

Soldados do Universo (1997)

One of the best anti-war films ever as far as I’m concerned. Shiny happy people brainwashed by propaganda that even Goebbels would envy fight to the last limb against sneaky repulsive bugs. The film's main positives definitely include the direction, excellent costumes whose legacy is crystal clear, the endless enthusiasm of all the soldiers, the comedic propaganda shots with chilling subtext, and the great supporting characters of Clancy Brown and Michael Ironside. Verhoeven failed to disappoint me again.

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction (1994)

As far as I remember, Pulp Fiction was the first Tarantino film I ever saw, and it was love at first sight. An excellent film with an incredible number of great lines, a perfect cast, and an amazing plot. It's simply a film that grabs my attention right from the opening scene and doesn’t let go until the closing credits. Even now that I know exactly what's going to happen and when, and how it’s all going to end. A real treat!


Delicatessen (1991)

An excellent pitch-black comedy. I’m not much of a French cinema lover, but I do have a few favorites and Delicatessen has been taking the lead for quite a while. A comedy that is black to the point of cynicism and could be used as the definition of wacky.

Veio do Outro Mundo

Veio do Outro Mundo (1982)

This is my idea of a quality horror film. Carpenter created an extremely intense atmosphere. The script works like Swiss clockwork from the first moment until the end credits. I first saw The Thing as a school kid on a second-hand VHS tape. The quality of the sound and image corresponded to a copy of an eleventh copy of the tape, but it lost none of its power. I have seen it many times since, and it’s a powerful experience for me every single time. One of my favorite scenes is definitely the testing of blood with a hot wire. My review in three words: cult, classic, awesome.

L.A. Confidencial

L.A. Confidencial (1997)

One of the themes of this film is organized crime. After all, it is about controlling Mickey Cohen's activities. Police corruption takes the lead role, though. I'm not exactly a fan of Russell Crowe, to put it mildly, but the film is so perfect that I actually liked him in it, too. A stellar cast, excellent writing and direction, perfect retro vibe, not a single dull moment. I can't find any fault with this film. L. A. Confidential is definitely one of my favorite crime movies.

Corpo e Alma

Corpo e Alma (2017)

A weird film, which knocked my cynical self out of the game. The Hungarian filmmakers really pulled it off again. The film was relaxing, romantic and dramatic, yet I wouldn't recommend it to any animal rights activists or the faint of heart. I'm still blown away by Alexandra Borbély, it's been a long time since a film character intrigued me as much as Marika.

Hevi reissu

Hevi reissu (2018)

What a kick in the Impaled Rectum! I have found many times that the Finnish sense of humor simply resonates with me, and this piece of vomit was right up my alley. If you have a problem with my choice of words in this review, watch the film first, you’ll understand. Finally, a film with a decent soundtrack. While the hostile northern Europe is full of these kick-ass metal bands, warmer climates give rise to whiny hits, with Enrique Iglesias in the lead. I had a great time, and I probably won't get the greeting of Lotvonen's father out of my head anytime soon.

Final Cut: Hölgyeim és uraim

Final Cut: Hölgyeim és uraim (2012)

Honestly, I don't know how to begin. It's no secret that I am a cynical bastard who jokes even about the worst tragedy, which means I'm not crazy about romantic movies, but Hungarians know how to win me over. Testről és lélekről has been in my top ten for quite a while. This movie is perfection. It completely blew me away. I enjoyed watching this film collage on the theme of love, and the Finns from the Balaton have shown that they've still got it. I am not a filmmaker, just an amateur viewer, but I assume it would probably be easier to make a whole new film than to put it together from such a large amount of material so that the entire work makes sense. I have never seen anything like this before, and I think I never will. The Hungarians paid tribute to world cinema and all those actors and actresses and made a film about love that blew my mind. A powerful experience. / Lesson learned: Scissors can barely keep up with certain ideas.