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Críticas (2 880)


Megarrromântico (2019) 

inglês A pretty originally conceived romantic comedy where the main character ends up in the world of romantic movies and is pursued by Liam Hemsworth, who wouldn't bat an eye at Rebel Wilson in the real world. Wilson's performance is pretty ok and she fills her role as a Hollywood buffoon just fine, a few lines are amusing and overall it's a nice respite that takes its foot off the gas slightly in the last act. Better average. 60%.


Capitão Marvel (2019) 

inglês The second blockbuster of the year and the first Marvel movie. This appetizer before the upcoming Avengers is a typical origin story that is good by default, but doesn't exactly bust your balls. On the plus side, Brie Larson is a great actress and a very strong hero, so she pulls the film off just fine, and when the excellent Samuel L. Jackson and Jude Law follow suit, things are more or less taken care of. Captain Marvel has a decent retro vibe, solid action (although the fights are shot a bit chaotically), working humour thanks to Samuel, and a rather interesting plot twist in the second half. At times the film feels like Star Wars in Marvel mode, but it's thankfully bearable. Enjoyable cinematic entertainment and a big plus for the cat, perhaps the biggest surprise of the film. 75%


Homem-Aranha: No Universo Aranha (2018) 

inglês I was skeptical about this film and I was most worried about the formal aspect, which is not exactly dazzling, but in the end I had an unexpectedly pleasant time and the visuals didn't bother me that much (except for Kingpin, who looked terrible). It's got pace, a nice soundtrack, occasionally the humour works and there's a twist. I was a bit annoyed by the Japanese girl and the pig, they seemed a bit over the line, but it was bearable. I was expecting 2*, in the end a decent 4*. 75%


Guerra Sem Quartel (2019) 

inglês It's good to see Jean-Claude Van Damme in something that is not a crappy B-movie, but it's his participation in the film that is the least interesting, because not only does he talk weirdly through his phone, but he doesn’t have any fights. That said, the gritty setting of Mexican drug dealers in American territory is intriguing and if you enjoy that kind of stuff, you will not be downright disappointed, even though the film brings nothing new under the sun. I had fun. 65%


Família Instantânea (2018) 

inglês Well, that was good. This low-key comedy with a not-so-great marketing campaign is finally the hit of the spring and Mark Wahlberg scores more points. A husband and wife decide to adopt a child, but end up adopting three rebels, including 15-year-old Isabel Moner, the quintessential sassy out-of-control teen. Laughter literally alternates with crying, and it's very pretty to watch. 80%.


Donnybrook (2018) 

inglês This didn't impress me much. A very independent, cheap and dark-filtered drama, where the only thing that I liked was perhaps the final brawl, otherwise nothing much interesting happens. Frank Grillo and Jamie Bell were okay, but I didn't enjoy it much. 40%


Vingança Perfeita (2019) 

inglês Probably the most pointless film I've seen in the cinema this year, and it would be a shame if this was one of Liam Neeson's last roles. The film is a remake of the Norwegian In Order of Disappearance, which I can understand from the American side, because they won't watch European films, but what I don't understand is why the film has the same director, and this is probably the first time I've seen the original and the remake made by the same guy, and that's the stumbling block, because the film is exactly the same. Watching a film where I know who dies, how they die and how it all ends with just different actors doesn't make much sense to me. The humour also didn't work for me the second time around and most importantly the point of the whole film is lost as the original was a sort of black-humoured parody of Norwegian mobsters with beautiful Norwegian locations, whereas this was filmed in Canada and the comedy falls rather flat. Liam delivers his standard, but the villain is considerably weaker, and there's nothing to stand up for in terms of action either. I considered walking out of the cinema. 40% for Liam and the pretty decent craftsmanship, otherwise a waste of time.


A Extraordinária Viagem do Faquir (2018) 

inglês An original romantic feel-good comedy that will improve your mood. The story follows a talented Indian fakir who travels to Paris, but spends his first night in an IKEA wardrobe that is shipped across Europe, and this is how a rather adventurous tale begins with the trappings of Europe and refugees. It's a shame that there isn't much humour, but the film is enjoyable to watch, is even suspenseful in places and you root for the protagonist in every convoluted situation. Decent stuff. 65%.


Journal 64 (2018) 

inglês The Scandinavians are back with their fourth adaptation of a bestselling novel by Jussi Adler-Olsen, starring the excellent duo of Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Fares Fares. Fortunately, you don’t need to be familiar with the previous installments to enjoy this one. Twelve years later, three mummified bodies are found behind a wall in an apartment, sitting at a table with their entrails on the table, but the case gets much bigger and more complex. Very suspenseful, well acted, strong filmmaking, the twists and turns at the end are impressive and the atmosphere is properly bleak. This is what the Scandinavians are really good at, and when good material is available it goes without saying. 80%


Kingdom (2019) (série) 

inglês South Korea with Netflix is serving up an uncompromising zombie survival series in 6 episodes and it's a treat for fans of history, zombies, Asia, and palace intrigue. The king dies and the only heir to the throne is the crown prince, but other houses disagree and the hunt for the prince and the battle for the throne begins against the backdrop of the zombie apocalypse. The acting is absolutely superb, you will like the crown prince from the first moment, and also his companions – I really enjoyed the tiger hunter who performs some nice stunts. There is a nice and original depiction of the origin of the virus and the zombies have a special ability (they only come to life at night), and we can all agree that the zombie sequence in the third episode is not only the highlight of the series, but also the top of the genre. The beautiful locations, the palaces and the costumes are also worth praising, as are the nicely dosed twists and turns, which have a lot of pizzazz. Even lovers of severed heads will enjoy it. The only downside is that the series ends at the best moment and there is nothing to do but wait for the second season. 85%