King Naki and the Thundering Hooves

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África do Sul, 2011, 79 min


Tim Wege


Tim Wege
(outras profissões)


Out on the vast expanses of the Transkei region, on South Africa's Eastern Cape, King Naki is trying to make his dream come true. It is a dream that is embodied by a horse. King Naki has put every cent he has into the horse - not by betting on it, but by buying it. People from his village think he's crazy, so he's named his horse Thula Sibone, or "Wait and See." As the camera follows King Naki with keen attention to detail, his remarkable personality shines through in his simple manner and singleness of purpose. He used to be a racehorse jockey himself, and he seemed to be following in his father's footsteps when he became a groom in the city, until he decided to follow his own dream. This character study of a man, his horse and his environment shows how Thula Sibone is geared up for the legendary annual Amateur Championship, which is held on a wild track with no fences and no markings. As the competition grows near, we learn that King Naki's greatest opponents are the legendary Cox Brothers, wealthy farmers with a penchant for big cars and fast horses. The camera accompanies King Naki and his entourage as they go about their daily business, and the gorgeous shots are accompanied by music and excerpts from interviews. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
