
  • USA Synchronic (mais)
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Steve (Anthony Mackie) e Dennis (Jamie Dornan) são dois paramédicos de Nova Orleães que, apesar de serem melhores amigos, levam vidas completamente diferentes. Quando são chamados para uma série de emergências bizarras e inexplicáveis, rapidamente estabelecem a ligação entre as ocorrências e uma droga sintética de fácil acesso chamada Sincrónico que encontram repetidamente. Mas depois do desaparecimento de Brianna, filha mais velha de Dennis, Steve é confrontado com a terrível verdade sobre esta droga misteriosa que irá por à prova tudo em que ele acredita ser real, incluindo o próprio fluxo do tempo. (Films4you)


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português Esta dupla simplesmente sabe como o fazer. Parte da alegria dos seus filmes consiste em encontrar o seu lugar no público-alvo de espetadores de mente aberta que gostam de pensar sobre realidades alternativas e exploram os limites de até onde se pode ir em termos de ideias num filme que está bem enraizado no género. Mais uma vez, Sincrónico tem um tema maluco que pareceria uma porcaria nas mãos de muitos cineastas de Hollywood puramente comerciais. Porque dariam importância ao efeito visual de wow. Moorhead/Benson mantêm os efeitos visuais simples e para eles são puramente um meio de contar uma história com uma atmosfera forte e com uma interação mais profunda entre as personagens. E os diálogos! [Sitges FF] ()


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português Um thriller de ficção científica sobre dois socorristas que recentemente encontraram vários casos envolvendo uma nova droga que provoca a queda de pessoas noutros mundos. Para além do atraente tema misterioso, há mais um motivo clássico do género sci-fi, que o filme combina notavelmente com um drama emocional sobre a amizade entre os dois personagens principais e os seus difíceis problemas, e com passagens de ação/horror ao estilo de muito com pouco esforço. Poderia ter facilmente acabado como um estúpido filme B de Hollywood, mas a direção hábil, o argumento inteligente (exceto uma construção de apoio), o grande Anthony Mackie (ele tem consideravelmente mais espaço que Dornan, é uma pena que o filme não ligue mais os seus personagens na narrativa) e a falta de pathos fazem do filme um feito formidável de autor que parece original e fresco apesar da presença de alguns clichés. ()


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inglês The first hit of this year and one of the best movies on the theme of drugs in recent times. A series of dead young people associated with a new drug on the market called Synchronic show up in a city. The drug has bizarre effects, it allows people to travel in time, but whatever happens to you there, you bring it back with you. Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan are paramedics who more or less go from apartment to apartment, and for the first half an hour, the film has a very tense, unsettling, and unpleasant atmosphere that reminded me of the cult-classi Se7en. I would have preferred if the whole film followed a similar tone, or if they showed the trips of all the dead people, but that would cost more money. Anyway the film has a solid pace, great visuals, a hallucinogenic and trippy atmosphere, and enough corpses to keep the viewer's attention. Very good! Story****, Action***, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere*****, Tension****. 8/10. ()


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inglês An interestingly filmed sci-fi about paramedics who, alongside the regular junkies of New Orleans, start to figure on the list of bizarre cases of severe harm/death connected with a new synthetic drug. The original topic is supported by a stifling atmosphere and solid acting performances. Directors Benson and Moorehead mainly tell the story of two pals who end up in slightly different shit creaks and the leaps in time are a clever tool used for telling us what is most important for leading a happy life. An inventive indie movie that will give fans of this genre pleasure. ()


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inglês A pair of paramedics (Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan) start to encounter more and more people with increasingly diverse and bizarre injuries, people who have died in strange circumstances, and the cases are linked to a new designer drug called Synchronic, which seems to pose a special kind of danger, previously unknown to the human race. As is often the case in Benson/Moorhead films, events then take an unexpected turn. This is an interesting look at one of the most classic subject matters dealt with by the science-fiction genre, and begins with a slow-building mystery, before turning into a pretty thrilling and slightly emotional movie - so at the end, you wish it was longer and would go on more. [Sitges 2019] ()


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inglês Benson and Moorhead are currently clear leaders for me among independent creators of genre films. I enjoy how they come up with fresh and innovative ideas, or how they overturn established rules and play with genre clichés. Synchronic is their most mainstream film so far, but they still maintain their own identity and distinctive creative handwriting - I'm not afraid that these two creators will start making films for hire. I am pleased that they are now able to recruit big names in their films like Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan, and I hope that with this film they will once again expand the ranks of their fans. People often call for original films based on original ideas and want to see some innovation and a new perspective, but often when they are faced with it, they either reject it or turn up their noses at it. Synchronic is a breath of fresh air and I haven't seen such an interesting sci-fi in a long time, which deceives you in the first half only to reveal its true colors in the second half. A fantastic concept that will leave you eager for more after it ends - to explore more aspects and possibilities - but at the same time there is the power in realizing that this one trip is sufficient and satisfying. Everything is underscored by a well-executed finale with a beautiful emotional touch. Joy! ()