
World-renowned neurosurgeon and single father to preteen Delia and teenage Ephram, Dr. Andrew Brown, came to Everwood, Colorado, to start over. He runs a free clinic with Edna Harper as his nurse and office manager. His Colleague, Edna's son, Dr. Harold Abbott, forbade his wife, Rose, and teenage kids, Amy and Bright, from having anything to do with the Browns. However, Ephram and Amy start dating. Ephram returns home from a summer program at Juilliard, full of memories of school and Amy's visit to Manhattan. Meanwhile, Dr. Brown copes with a disturbing letter from Delia's former baby-sitter, who dated Ephram briefly, the young woman's secret, and the fact that he persuaded her to move away. Ephram has a letter of his own, and when Amy finally demands an explanation he makes a tough realization about his future. Bright reluctantly prepares for his freshman year at community college. Dr. Abbott rents his former office space to California transplant Jake Hartman. (iTunes)



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