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Os integrantes do Monty Python marcaram época mesclando humor, criatividade e um timing brilhante. Tudo isso com uma propensão à sátira e ao estilo cross-dresser. (Netflix)

Crítica desta série pelo utilizador Necrotongue (48)

Os Malucos do Circo dos Monty Python (1969) 

inglês What to say about the Monty Python's Flying Circus sketches? Brilliant! Timeless! Incredibly funny! Unparalleled! I don't think anyone's ever come up with anything better. Granted, the last season wasn't as good as the previous three but considering that the series was made between 1969 and 1974 and it has been making me laugh out loud for almost thirty years, that's really saying something. The Pythons' humor is incredibly timeless and the lines from some of the sketches are perfectly applicable to everyday life. But now for something completely different... ()

Season 1 (1969) (S01) 

inglês I immensely enjoyed the first season of Monty Python's Flying Circus. No wonder – it delivers exactly the kind of dry, almost cynical, and, above all, politically incorrect humor that I love, and which isn’t much appreciated nowadays. Even though there’s no official censorship, I don't think the Pythons would get away with it today, especially seeing what a horrible country Britain is turning into these days. Luckily, this series is practically timeless. I own the whole collection of everything the Pythons ever made, so couldn’t care less about censorship... ()

Para que lado é o Canadá (1969) (S01E01) 

inglês The perfect start to a perfect sketch series. In 1969, something unparalleled was created — anything that followed has only been a futile attempt to replicate it. What unfolded after the brilliant opening titles was a whirlwind of humor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hosted "Famous Deaths," Italians took part in an Italian lesson, "It's the Arts" featured an intriguing interview with Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson, there was a thrilling painter's bicycle race, and I almost died laughing at the "Funniest Joke in the World." ()

Sexo e violência (1969) (S01E02) 

inglês The second episode wasn’t as frantic as the first, but it still delivered. The Flying Sheep, Marriage Guidance Counselor, the Mouse Problem, and a peek into the life of a London playwright with a rebellious son who found his calling in mining were all absolute highlights. And the Man with Three Buttocks? That was just a bonus! ()


Como reconhecer diferentes tipos de árvores de muito longe (1969) (S01E03) 

inglês I enjoyed this episode even more than the previous one. John Cleese turned a simple parking fine trial into a thrilling drama, and that was just the start. Michael Palin was fantastic as F. G. Superman, the bike repairman. Eric Idle shined while reading fairy tales and managing a fancy restaurant, though John Cleese's chef had me in tears from laughing. As if that wasn't enough, they threw in the dangerous life of British milkmen and Eric Idle’s classic "Nudge, Nudge" sketch. Absolutely perfect! ()

A crise de identidade do homem na segunda metade do séc. XX (1969) (S01E05) 

inglês Another episode I can’t criticize because it had me in stitches from the start with "Confuse-A-Cat." The customs sketch that followed with John Cleese and Michael Palin was absolutely hilarious. The absurdity continued with a job interview for a managerial position that thoroughly scrambled my brain — no way I'd pass that one. Eric Idle wrapped things up perfectly with his innovative take on selling encyclopedias. ()

São as artes (1969) (S01E06) 

inglês It was clear from the start that the main target of criticism this time was the BBC itself. The "Arts" segment used many words to say absolutely nothing, reminding me of those pretentious discussions on public television. Then there was a sketch about criminals desperately avoiding any illegal activities and the police hygiene squad, which would probably be shocked to find out what's in those canned foods. I had an absolute blast with "The Dull Life of a City Stockbroker" and the Native American in the theater. Graham Chapman stole the show at the end as the head of 20th Century Vole. ()

Já perdeu a piada (1969) (S01E07) 

inglês This episode started off a bit weak for me, even with the camel patrols, but then the Pudding Invasion aiming to take over the Wimbledon tennis tournament had me thoroughly entertained. The transformation of the Welsh Guards was a particularly nice touch. Given all the idiotic policies the Brits are implementing nowadays, it dawns on me that this show probably won't be aired there again anytime soon. ()

Nudez total frontal (1969) (S01E08) 

inglês Episode eight was simply brilliant. Every sketch was cut off before the punchline, a classic Python move that could almost be trademarked. The themes of the sketches were fantastic, from the military unit facing racketeering to the bed and mattress shopping, and especially the mischievous seniors. But the standout was definitely the "Dead Parrot" sketch, with John Cleese and especially Michael Palin at their best. I have a feeling this sketch serves as a training video for customer service reps dealing with complaints. ()

A formiga, uma introdução (1969) (S01E09) 

inglês The episode kicks off brilliantly with a whimsical introduction to the anatomy of llamas, humorously claiming they live in all major South American rivers. The barbershop sketch features the iconic Lumberjack Song, followed by a classic English hunting scene. Graham Chapman hosts a party he didn't even know about. This episode is packed with English humor, absurdity, and delightfully intolerant jokes, which I love. Five stars were inevitable. ()

Sem título (1969) (S01E10) 

inglês I had to rate this one a bit lower. The brilliant non-illegal robbery and Luigi Vercotti with Ron Obvious were the highlights, but the other sketches, while good, didn’t quite hit the mark. The Pythons have certainly done better — like how the Terrier Conversion sketch can’t compare to the Dead Parrot. ()

A orquestra filarmónica real vai à casa de banho (1969) (S01E11) 

inglês A bit weaker than the previous episode, with only Inspector Tiger and the Interesting People segment really catching my attention. Even so, I can't bring myself to give it less than four stars because, in the realm of comedy, the Pythons are still a clear standout. ()

A formiga nua (1969) (S01E12) 

inglês Excellent! "The Spectrum" segment with Mr. Hilter and his companions clearly stole the show, closely followed by the "Upper Class Twit of the Year" sketch. These two sketches perfectly captured the dry English humor I love. The episode was nicely rounded out with "The Leapfrog Championship," "Reporting a Burglary," "Marriage Proposal," and "Minister's Fall," leaving me thoroughly satisfied. ()

Intervalo (1969) (S01E13) 

inglês The final episode of the season started uniquely with an intermission, followed by a sketch set in an extremely peculiar vegetarian restaurant. The very short sketch with the albatross left a surprisingly strong impression on me — sometimes I still hear John Cleese shouting, "Albatross!" I was also entertained by the Historical Impersonations and the visit to the psychiatrist. The first season ended on a high note, and now, on to season two! ()

Season 2 (1970) (S02) 

inglês The second season of the Circus was just as great as the first. It includes such gems as The Ministry of Silly Walks, The Spanish Inquisition, and How Not to Be Seen. It boggles the mind how Monty Python could get past BBC censorship. Especially “Royal Episode” that concluded the second season, featuring cannibalism in the Navy and not even sparing her Majesty, somehow had to sneak in unnoticed. To say this is good work would be an understatement. I think the Pythons are comedy geniuses. ()

Cara a Cara com a Imprensa (1970) (S02E01) 

inglês The second season started off spectacularly. While the opening sketch, Face the Press, was a bit slow, the rest of the episode was dominated by the Ministry of Silly Walks and the terrifying tale of the Piranha Brothers. I had a fantastic time watching, and John Cleese’s performance was as impressive as that of a seasoned gymnast. ()

A Inquisição Espanhola (1970) (S02E02) 

inglês A hilariously brilliant episode. I enjoyed the meeting about taxing you-know-what and the courtroom shenanigans. The classic texts conveyed through various signaling methods were a treat, but the devious Spanish Inquisition completely stole the show — I didn’t see that coming at all. It’s one of my favorite roles by Michael Palin. The inhumane application of soft cushions and the twisted use of the comfy chair might unsettle the faint-hearted, but the Inquisition was just that ruthless. ()

Déjà-vu (1970) (S02E03) 

inglês While this episode was slightly weaker than the previous two, it was saved by the airplane hijacking sketch and the "It's the Mind" segment focusing on déjà vu, with Michael Palin shining once again. ()

O espetáculo de Buzz Aldrin (1970) (S02E04) 

inglês In the fourth episode, the Pythons took a swing at Freemasons with the Architect Sketch, while the Insurance Sketch introduced the Bishop, turning into a high-octane, action-packed Christian spectacle. The attempt to improve living conditions by assigning a poet to every household was bizarre, and then came the question no one wants to answer publicly: "Who has syphilis here?" ()