
Marina Kazantseva is a third-year student. A romantic girl who read Dumas and Mayne Reid novels while growing up, Marina is in love with her sport's teacher Konstantin Pavlovich, however, while Konstantin is aware of her feelings, he does not take them seriously. Meanwhile her classmate, Varia blames Marina for her abusive childhood and is planning her revenge. Fifteen years ago, Marina's father, Boris had an affair with Varia's mother, Lyudmila. When Boris's wife, Yekaterina discovered the affair, she returned her husband to the family after creating a very public scandal. Yekaterina then used her position as District Public Education Department Inspector to make sure that her husband's mistress was refused employment from every educational institution in town. Lyudmila became an alcoholic, regularly beating her daughter out of frustration and despair until Varia found the strength to stand up to her mother and left home. Living on the streets, however, was hard, and in order to survive, Varia was forced into prostitution, and it was her pimp Isaac, who placed her at the college. Under the pretence of helping her 'friend' in her unhappy love, Varia arrives at Konstantin's apartment and tells him that Marina works as a prostitute. When Konstantin later develops pneumonia, Varia looks after him, and the two become close until one day, Marina finds Konstantin and Varia kissing in the staff room. Furious with her friend's deception, Marina tries to confront Konstantin on his way home from a staff party, however, Konstantin is drunk and drags Marina into his car forcing himself upon her. He soon realizes that Marina is a virgin and that Varia has lied throughout. Konstantin is perplexed. Marina's love of him was a pure feeling of a young girl. He is ready to stay with her. However, when Varia tells him she is pregnant, Konstantin feels he has no choice but to marry her. Luckily, just before the marriage ceremony is about to take place, Varia's mother tells Konstantin that her daughter is sterile. Fleeing the church, Konstantin finds Marina at the house of Valentin, a college friend who is in love with her. But is Konstantin too late or will Marina give him a second chance? (Star Media)

