L'Utopie des images de la révolution russe

  • inglês The Russian Revolution through its films
? %
França, 2017, 75 min (Alternativo 54 min)


The two decades following the Russian revolution are marked by a gang of young people who profoundly influenced Russian cinema. This artistic revolution was led by directors, actors, technicians and poets. They are the characters and voices of our film. They tell us the story of this unique period, through the images of Soviet fictional works produced between 1917 and 1934. We can thus catch a glimpse of their fight for a new society, where creative freedom was of utmost importance. A utopia which will be brought down by an authoritarian power impacting cinema as much as the rest of society. Without a doubt, the Soviet films made during the first years of the Revolution represent "a utopia of images." Not a utopia in the sense that they would picture an ideal and flawless reality... quite the contrary! These fictions are utopian because they display what the world and History looked like. Armed with this improbable and "insane idea," the movie follows a path opened up by fiction: its raw material. (Venice International Film Festival)
