



Ravn is an excellent physician and the fate of his wife has forced him to resort to somewhat non-standard treatment procedures. Leif is a prepper expecting an apocalypse and maintaining contacts with the underworld. Two unexpected allies will build an underground shelter and a temporary hospital from the closed Valkyrien Metro Station in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. The Norwegian response to the staleness of the endless wave of Scandinavian crime stories has resulted in a genre fusion, for which British critics have invented the name scandi medi-noir and the nickname Norwegian Breaking Bad. However, the fun ride with a bizarre plot is not only a catchy combination of genres, it also reflects today's distribution of forces in the society and its paranoid feelings. (Serial Killer)


Bandas sonoras



Original Series Soundtrack

Lançada por: Tordenfilm

Ano: 2017

Formato: digital

Duração: 43:20

1. Main Title Marius Christiansen 00:57
2. Montage 1 Marius Christiansen 03:25
3. Doomsday Preppers Marius Christiansen 03:03
4. Flashback Marius Christiansen 01:48
5. Bier / Bees Marius Christiansen 01:42
6. Etterlyst / Wanted Marius Christiansen 02:01
7. Subways Marius Christiansen 01:25
8. Avslag / Rejection Marius Christiansen 01:14
9. Konsekvenser / Consequences Marius Christiansen 01:39
10. Febermåler / Teotwawki Marius Christiansen 01:28
11. Massespektrometer / Mass Spectrometer Marius Christiansen 03:29
12. Lasse Marius Christiansen 01:05
13. Brevet / The Letter Marius Christiansen 02:05
14. Per Og Teo Tekster / Per And Teo Texting Marius Christiansen 02:27
15. Slåsskamp / The Fight Marius Christiansen 01:10
16. Ravn Forklarer / Ravn Explains Marius Christiansen 03:51
17. Flash Drive Marius Christiansen 01:27
18. Siv Henter Vann / Fetching Water Marius Christiansen 02:00
19. En Fin Fyr / A Nice Guy Marius Christiansen 02:06
20. Shelter Marius Christiansen 01:28
21. The Clinic Marius Christiansen 03:30