Caramel Curves: New Orleans's All-Female Biker Gang

(filme de TV)
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Curta-metragem / Documentário
USA, 2015, 6 min


Five-inch heels, fuchsia bikes, the occasional pink-mohawked helmet: New Orleans's first all-female motorcycle club, Caramel Curves, isn't your typical biker gang. Founded in 2005 by the eponymous Caramel, the group was originally intended as a counterpart to a male biker crew. After Hurricane Katrina devastated the entire city and disbanded the club, however, its future was uncertain--until Caramel decided to bring the Curves back together again, this time as a club all their own. Today, they've created a community that encourages confidence, camaraderie, popping wheelies, and getting very creative when painting your preferred mode of transportation. The only rules: You have to be a woman and own a motorcycle to join. In our first episode of Girl Gangs, Broadly meets the members of this all-female collective and follows the pack as they ride the streets of the Big Easy. (VICE Media)

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