
Lisa, a 33-year-old native of Omsk and presenter of the programme "Save Love!" has had a heavy day: humiliations at work and jokes from colleagues, betrayal by her boyfriend. All this leads to a nervous breakdown. Having got drunk and ending up, at night, in the regional centre Elektrougli, on the outskirts of Moscow, Lisa witnesses an attack on the micro-credit office and is taken hostage by the robber, the beautiful but not very bright Natasha, who wants to get out of the provincial bog. At first, under the threat of the pistol, Lisa is compelled to help the robber; but then Lisa begins to get through to Natasha: in the unbalanced woman, who does not think of the consequences and is ever so silly, the rational and ever so practical Lisa recognises her own past self, before she moved to Moscow; she realises that during the ten years in the capital, she has lost her better qualities — boldness and belief in herself. (Kinotavr)

