
Psycho é um dos maiores êxitos e o filme mais assustador de Alfred Hitchcock. Janet Leigh é Marion Crane, uma jovem que resolve hospedar-se no Motel Bates, depois de roubar uma elevada quantia de dinheiro ao patrão e fugir. Anthony Perkins é Norman Bates, o homem que dirige o motel, onde vive com uma mãe autoritária e opressora. Um detective privado e a irmã de Marion fazem tudo para a encontrar, mas o motel e a mansão ao seu lado serão o palco de um assassinato monstruoso e de uma história aterradora. Um dos mais emblemáticos filmes do mestre do suspense. (Midas Filmes)


Vídeos (3)

Trailer 1

Críticas (10)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português É um erro avaliar Psico como um representante de um género ou como um filme que assusta o espetador na medida de algumas estrelas. Psico merece ser avaliado como uma demonstração das possibilidades da arte do cineasta. Como uma demonstração da criatividade genial de Alfred Hitchcock. E assim só se pode chegar a uma conclusão - Psico não é um filme, é um superfilme. Primeiro é ele, depois seguem os filmes, avaliados com algumas estrelas consoante o seu nível de qualidade. ___ Suponha que o pincel de um pintor tem um número X de possibilidades de movimento, de inclinação para a tela, de intensidade de contacto com a tela. A direção cinematográfica, o trabalho com os processos cinematográficos e o espetador também têm as suas possibilidades. Hitchcock dominou estas X possibilidades com as quais outros cineastas tinham trabalhado, fez-lhes malabarismos com um sorriso e criou uma nova paleta de XYZ possibilidades. A cinematografia é uma ciência. Quem e quando se tornará um inventor cinematográfico maior do que ele? ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I'll preface this with the fact that it's a better 3 stars. Where this movie wins is the music. I watched it in the cinema, with my classmates around me, and quite a few of them flinched in horror at the murder of the private eye. But that's mostly because of the music. Unfortunately, it didn’t fire me up, which is definitely a shame. And the other problem was that it was clear to me almost from the beginning what the ending was going to be. But I think this film belongs in the "must-see" column, so I don't regret going to see it at all as part of Project 100. But the last scene (before the credits jump in), that was really awesome. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês When I saw Psycho in a packed cinema, it evoked more laughter than horror. It wasn't laughter of relief in response to something shocking, but in response to some now unintentionally funny dialogue and situations towards the end of the film. Times change and what worked 40 or more years ago doesn't have the same power today. I appreciate Hitchcock's great surprise for the uninitiated (the famous shower scene and its completely unexpected consequence) and the shocking twist. The black-and-white cinematography is also excellent, and the realities of where the film takes place are impressive. But overall, Hitchcock's most famous film didn't leave a deep mark on me. Just because it was made by the great Master himself, I won't waste a full rating. From a historical point of view, five stars. From a purely subjective point of view and overall emotional experience, a decent four stars. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A cinematic delicacy that belongs to the golden treasury of world cinema. Even if Alfred Hitchcock had made nothing else, he would still deserve a monument carved in marble. The shower scene or the fall down the stairs are, for me, symbols of perfect direction, while the slowly turning chair in the basement symbolizes horror as a distinct genre. Anthony Perkins is excellent, and he never managed to surpass his performance and essentially remained trapped in the role of the deranged Norman. The ingredients in this film are balanced so well that it became a delicacy... The extraordinarily impressive music is also worth mentioning. Overall impression: 100%. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês It’s such a shame that this film’s twist is so profane today, the experience would have been much greater without knowing it. What surprised me a little is that it was the bathroom scene the one that became the most famous, I think the one of the attack at the stairs is a lot better – it’s one of the best and most terrifying attacks on film I’ve ever seen. Basically, it manages to precisely capture the instant between the reveal of the attacker and the attack itself, thus saving both the moment of surprise and the moment of tension. It’s like when, in a fraction of a second, you notice that the person who has just started running towards you is holding a knife. Yeah, and before I forget, Psycho made me realise what is that thing that often bothers me in old films, that characters driving a car shot from the front turn the steering wheel too much :-) 90% ()

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