Muito Além do Peso

  • USA Way Beyond Weight
Brasil, 2012, 84 min


Estela Renner


Why are children all around the world gaining weight? Is it their parents' fault? The governments'? Or should we blame multinational companies and extensive marketing campaigns? Brazilian documentary filmmakers try to point out the gravity of this ever growing global issue, because obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle are the main factors that influence both the present and future of the entire globe. As shown by the statistics in the film, only a small number of obese children are not obese in adulthood. This documentary shows the everyday life of these children and their parents in Brazil. According to interviews given by specialists all around the world, this disease of civilisation is a problem that extends beyond the borders of Latin America. The documentary features the famous chef Jamie Oliver, who continues to fight for healthier dietary conditions in British school canteens. The question that remains: Is healthy food available for everyone? Dealing with obesity, this documentary highlights a problem which will desperately need a solution in the near future. (Academia Film Olomouc)
