V tichu

  • Chéquia V tichu (mais)


The 1930s and 1940s left a devastating trace on the world which affected every social class, regardless of their education, beliefs, gender or race. Fascist Germany and its ideology began its work of destruction in 1933. Many artists fell into disfavour, they were barred from working in their profession and were persecuted. Fascist laws disqualified so-called "non-Aryan" artists in Germany and these norms were subsequently applied in all the European countries occupied by Germany.  "In Silence" depicts the fates of five Jewish musicians and performers whose suffering in concentration camps or even their fear of inevitable death were alleviated by the piano and music. Karol Elbert, Alica Flachová – Pastorová, Edith Kraus, Arthur Chitz and Jozef Weiss – these are names fated to remain forgotten and whose talent was to be erased forever from the cultural awareness. The film reveals the happy and carefree lives of the protagonists in a stylised manner, with precise film aesthetics and a strong musical component, in contrast with the humiliating, painful and most difficult part of their lives. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

