Solomon Northup's Odyssey

(filme de TV)
  • USA Half-Slave, Half-Free
todos os cartazes
Drama / Biográfico / Histórico
USA, 1984, 115 min


Gordon Parks

Fonte literária:

Solomon Northup (livro)


To be a free man and a man with a trade, was a lot to be proud of for a black man in 19th century America. Solomon Northup was such a man. Then, one fateful day, his good life and all his dreams came to a crashing halt. Solomon Northup was kidnapped and carried off into slavery to serve on a plantation in the South. For twelve long years he experienced the cruelty and subjugation that was slavery. Under any circumstances, it's a harrowing story, one that is compelling and wonderfully realized in this motion picture. Under most circumstances, this would be a story worth telling. Under these circumstances, it is a story that needs to be told. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

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