The 100

  • USA The 100
Trailer 3
Fantasia / Ficção científica / Drama
USA, (2014–2020), 70 h 13 min (Minutos: 41–43 min)


Jason Rothenberg

Fonte literária:

Kass Morgan (livro)


Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Paige Turco, Henry Ian Cusick, Isaiah Washington, Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon (mais)
(outras profissões)

Temporadas(7) / Episódios(100)


Quando uma guerra nuclear destruiu a civilização e o planeta Terra, os únicos sobreviventes foram 400 pessoas que estavam em 12 estações espaciais em órbita. 97 anos e três gerações depois, a população já contava com 4 mil pessoas, mas os recursos já vão escassos. Para garantir o futuro, um grupo de cem jovens é enviado à superfície da Terra para descobrir se ela está habitável. Com a sobrevivência da raça humana em suas mãos, estes jovens precisam superar suas diferenças e unir forças para cruzar juntos o seu caminho. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


Crítica desta série pelo utilizador Necrotongue (45)

The 100 (2014) Boo!

inglês I’m writing my review after having seen three seasons. The show is spectacular but lacks quality acting, writing, and direction. The whole thing strikes me as a failed improvisation, which is a shame because the original idea wasn't bad at all. It's just that the writer obviously stopped coming to work and then it all went downhill. I can’t say the actors didn’t make an effort. On the contrary, they tried so hard that they overdid it. There’s also too much of bathos, heroic poses, declarations, and speeches that make everyone stop even during the fiercest battle. On the other hand, there are things to be learned. For example, that it’s possible to build a hermetic room in 20 minutes in primitive conditions with basic tools using debris from a space station. Most cringeworthy character: Octavia. Most annoying character: the chancellor/prophet Jaha. Let me just add that I’m not an ardent critic of everything on the CW, I did enjoy iZombie. ()

Season 1 (2014) (S01) 

inglês I made it to the end, which I consider a huge success. This is only watchable if you don't use logic, since the writers somehow forgot about it in the plot. I’m giving one star for the main idea with the Ark and sending 100 delinquents instead of guinea pigs or lab rats. Despite my internal suffering, I intend to watch the second season because I'm curious to see if Lincoln and Octavia will have a baby and if so, what car brand name it will have. ()

Season 2 (2014) (S02) Boo!

inglês The one star for originality I gave Season 1 got buried under an unusually massive pile of crap in Season 2. The writing continues to blatantly ignore even rudimentary logic, and it's replaced by tons of speechifying. New locations were added, and the episode count was, sadly, increased. The dialogue made me feel as if I was bleeding internally. Fortunately, it turned out to be just a kind of phantom pain for the brain cells that died quietly while watching the series. I'm happy to inform you that I'm on my way to recovery. As part of my punishment for all the bad things I've done in my life, I'll masochistically watch the third season. ()

Season 3 (2016) (S03) Boo!

inglês Wow! I can’t wait for Season 4. In the third season, the writers have really outdone themselves and created a masterpiece that has the color, shape, size, and consistency of a standard product of one’s bowels. The boys and girls are chaotically running around the woods all the time, sometimes accompanied by a couple of adults to show that they are supervised, while everyone is constantly being divided into good and evil. Everything is so predictable it’s pathetic. Jaha the prophet and his virtual goddess just top it all off. Still, if I were a teenager, I'd probably enjoy it. ()

Season 4 (2017) (S04) 

inglês The finale was truly the paramount of nonsense and stupidity. It's already clear that a similar load of crap is waiting for me in the next season. It’s kind of sad that the humor has disappeared from the show. The goofs in the plot used to make me laugh, but their constant repetition makes them tedious. Anyway, like T-700, I proudly declare that "I'll be back!" ()

Echo (2017) (S04E01) 

inglês Jipitydoo, the moment I was afraid of is here. I have seen the first episode of the fourth season and I have the exact same feelings about it as the previous episodes. Well, it is a start, and I didn't want to start with rubbish. ()

É pesada a coroa (2017) (S04E02) Boo!

inglês And here it is, now I couldn't suffocate it within myself anymore. The brain trust of teenage engineers, biologists, nuclear physicists, chemists, and doctors is stepping back into the front line of the fight for humanity's salvation, and after demonstrating their ability to create an airtight room with the help of debris and basic equipment in previous episodes, they are now tackling the sealing of the entire Arcadia. How easy. Grand statements, personal crises, and pathos cannot be missing. ()

Os quatro cavaleiros (2017) (S04E03) Boo!

inglês It is indeed nice that radiation sickness is not contagious, but I don't know if it is wise to touch people and their clothes without protective gear in case the radiation levels emitted from them would set off a Geiger counter. I also hope that someone will make a movie or series called "Tough and Tougher" with Maria Avgeropoulos, where she would play a dual role. She would undoubtedly deserve it for her pretentious performance. And of course, even more big words and even more pathos... ()

Uma mentira guardada (2017) (S04E04) Boo!

inglês I really don't understand it, did the creators of this masterpiece really think that it's enough to just slap it together and rush to lunch? Their plots are so desperately transparent (see the list of chosen ones and the death in the abyss with the "unexpected" resolution). I guess that's enough, as long as they remember to play with emotions. ()

Barril de pólvora (2017) (S04E05) Boo!

inglês Seriously? I have such a unique idea when someone is lying at your feet with a sniper rifle and waiting for his target to appear, ignore the bullshit and kick him in the head. If you don't want to hurt him, kick the barrel of his gun instead. You're welcome. In the saved time, you can eat something or take a nap. Another piece of advice: if there is a threat of an explosion near you, get to its epicenter and come out unharmed. Seriously, I've seen it. ()

Renasceremos das cinzas (2017) (S04E06) Boo!

inglês There was a development in this episode compared to previous seasons, instead of running around the forest, it was more about driving around, but otherwise it was fine. The logic is still on vacation, so people who are recovering from serious injuries in one moment happily run around the area, and highly volatile rocket fuel will be pumped into the tanks from barrels, I'm looking forward to it. ()

Dá-me abrigo (2017) (S04E07) 

inglês I saw it as a waste of time the entire time because there were so many illogical nonsense in response to the radioactive rain that even the weak-hearted would cry, but in the end, I decided on one star because Emori's tactical move amused me greatly. She and John are the most likable characters in the series for me. ()

Complexo de Deus (2017) (S04E08) 

inglês The eighth episode seemed quite friendly in some places, I especially enjoyed the situation with the second guinea pig, but I still had concerns that the creators would ruin everything by having Clarke play as Mirko Dušína, and guess how it turned out... Also, a lot of pathos and "unpredictable" decisions didn't help either. ()

Morram todos, morram felizes (2017) (S04E10) 

inglês Secretly, throughout the whole time I was watching the episode, I was looking forward to using a quote from Hunger Games in the comment, and KM Phoenix blew that opportunity for me. Anyway, I was pleased that this time not only the privates of the 13th company were dying, but the creators didn't hesitate to sacrifice two prominent characters. I was just unpleasantly surprised by the reaction to the radioactive rain again, while last time there was some inadequate decontamination going on, this time everyone let it bubble in peace. The third star was for the line: "You can't hide forever!". Anyone who has ever played Syphon Filter 1 surely remembers, like me, the Lincoln Memorial. Of course, I'm talking about Abraham Lincoln. ()

O outro lado (2017) (S04E11) 

inglês Sad. At first, I was pleasantly entertained by the furious intrigue and tactics, but then it was all flooded with a wave of pathos and arrogant statements, and Raven's self-preservation completely ruined everything. It was really too much for this series. ()

Os escolhidos (2017) (S04E12) 

inglês KM Phoenix is rolling, still after five minutes I'm giggling. But to the point. Sofi's Choice on a larger scale was a great theme for this episode, but the execution... I can only regret that I am such a cynic, otherwise I would have surely fully experienced those shots in innocent and unsuspecting children's eyes and maybe even shed a tear (of course, from the cold hail). ()

Praimfaya (2017) (S04E13) Boo!

inglês Well, I don't know, either it was supposed to be a parody that I didn't understand, or the creators think the viewers are complete idiots, but either way, there has never been so much nonsense in one episode before. The modification of a two-seat cockpit for eight people seemed to happen outside the interest of the cameras, and the cabin looked absolutely perfect, I would almost dare to say it was a miracle. I won't even bother discussing the weight gain. The creators don't either. I think it wouldn't hurt to consult with experts, only a fool would think that disrupting the integrity of a protective suit (such as removing gloves) would only result in radiation affecting their hands. Similarly, I would expect that if I take off part of the spacesuit in space and there is nothing else around me, I would at least freeze. I don't even want to think about what a person does for a living if they can survive a global nuclear catastrophe on the surface of a planet (now that I've written it, I see how stupid it sounds). And, as a bonus, there was the traditional mix of motivational speeches, selflessness, and pathos. ()

Season 5 (2018) (S05) Boo!

inglês I would be lying if I said that Season 5 didn't have a single bright moment. The problem with this series was that the script adamantly ignored logic. All the shortcomings of the story were compensated by statements full of pathos, determination and charity, only to be negated by the characters’ actions. I found the season finale terrifying. It was practically back to square one, so all that hell can start all over again. ()

Éden (2018) (S05E01) Boo!

inglês The episode seamlessly picked up from the finale of the last season. Just like Praimfaya, Eden threw logic out the window, but that only made it more amusing. I loved the idea of digging up a vehicle from beneath sand dunes that instantly works perfectly (let's not mention it survived a nuclear storm), only to be knocked out shortly after by another sand (or dust) storm! That had me in stitches. The abundance of live trees and the valley that somehow dodged the storm but not the radiation was amusing too. So, let’s dive into the berries and water (!!!). Also, why did the main character roast a vulture without plucking it first? What would Jamie Oliver say? The writer amusingly contradicted himself with talks about radiation levels being safe on the surface after five years, yet somehow, everything seemed fine after 42 days. What was that supposed to mean? Sure, the two main characters are Nightbloods, but what about the vulture, trees, and insects? On the bright side, it gave Eliza Taylor a chance to showcase some character acting. ()

A rainha vermelha (2018) (S05E02) 

inglês Props to the creators for finally ridding us of an incredibly annoying character after four seasons. Miyamoto Musashi, Conan, Geralt of Rivia, and Arya Stark would all weep at their skills if they saw the true master of the blade, killer, diplomat, and the funniest character in the show — Octavia (though I sadly can't remember all twenty of her nicknames). I was also amused to learn that, apparently, Black people have their livers on the left side. And I didn't quite get why the revolting hydroponics crew didn't threaten to shoot a few plant hostages — now that could have been hilarious! ()