4 Tage im Mai

  • Rússia 4 dňa v maje (mais)


It is one of the last days before the capitulation of the Nazi army. The setting is Pomerania, Baltic coast. A unit of the Soviet army, comprising seven people, and led by a captain nicknamed "Gorynych" (Slavic dragon) (Guskov) by his companions, has left for reconnaissance and observation of the movements of the retreating enemy. The group is housed in a large building, a shelter for orphaned girls. A Wehrmacht detachment was found close by, which was expecting transport for evacuation to Denmark. Both parties understand that the war is almost over; they do not want to engage each other and choose to wait things out. The resistance is not over for a teenage orphan Peter (Wenzel), who was educated in the tradition of National Socialism. Intelligence officers disarm him and patiently try to neutralize his youthful aggression. On May 8, 1945 the major comes to the shelter. He is the immediate commander of the division, which includes reconnaissance. He was drunk on the occasion of Germany's capitulation. The major tries to rape one of the German girls, but the captain disarms him and stops the attempt. Wishing to eliminate witnesses of his indecent behavior, the major said that the enemy, in disguise, infiltrated the building, and began an assault on the shelter by his unit. The German unit did not surrender but came to rescue and protect the children. Together they made provisions for the safe withdrawal of the orphans on a fishing launch to Denmark. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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