Stand van de sterren

  • Reino Unido Position Among the Stars
Excerto do filme


For 12 years, film maker Leonard Retel Helmrich followed an Indonesian family from the slums of Jakarta in the process creating the films The Eye of the Day and Shape of the Moon (2005 Grand Jury Prize, Sundance & 2004 Joris Ivens Award, IDFA respectively). With Position Among the Stars, the maker continues to show us the underlying patterns of life in Indonesia, both literally and metaphorically with his revolutionary camera work. The Sjamsuddin family is the microcosm of the most important issues of life in Indonesia: corruption, conflict between religions, gambling addiction, the generation gap and the growing difference between poor and rich. Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country and also has the largest Muslim population. The grandmother Rumidjah, a confessed Christian, has left the bustle of Jakarta to live with her friend Tumisa in the countryside. Her son Bakti, who has converted to Islam, takes care of her grandchild Tari. Bringing up his Tari is hard for him, so Bakti brings his mother back to town. However, Tari grows up in a time when young people have become much more open and she does not hide her opinions. This behaviour regularly brings her into conflict with the older generations. The problems faced by the Qatari family make the old woman decide to stay in town until Tari has finished her secondary school and can study at university. The whole family regards the bright Tari as their only opportunity of improving their own status and ever being able to escape the slums of Jakarta. Bakti's job as district chief doesn't earn much, as a result of which he trains fighting fish to gamble with on the side. While the whole family does all it can to collect enough to pay the college fees for Tari's study, Tari prefers to spend her time and money with her girlfriends in the nightlife of Jakarta. Her friends from secondary school also bring her into contact with the nouveau riche of Indonesia, which is miles away from her life in the slums. Will Rumidjah managed to allow her granddaughter to study in this economic crisis? (Antidote Films)

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