
BENEATH HILL 60 tells the extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward, the legendary Australian metal scientist. In 1916, Woodward faced the most difficult decision, ultimately having to separate from his new young love for the deadly carnage of the Western Front. On treacherous territory, behind the German enemy lines, Woodward and his secret platoon of Australian tunnelers face a suicidal battle to defend a leaking, tunnel system. A tunnel packed with enough high explosives to change the course of the War... (texto oficial do distribuidor)


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inglês I was really excited about this story and that’s partially because I haven’t seen a purely “war” movie in a long time. But the issue with this movie is the fact that it mostly takes place in the trenches, which isn’t anything unusual for the WWI. What’s worse is the characters who didn’t manage to grow on me so that I could enjoy the movie to the fullest. In any case, I admit that the final explosion made me happy. Even though it was brutal and pretty unbelievable. The entire movie is basically about the Australians digging their way under the enemy trench and then brutally blowing it up. And that explosion was really amazing. The movie is actually a sort of a memorial to all the soldiers of the WWI who didn’t attack the enemy from above, but instead dug below. And there wasn’t a movie about that yet, for sure! ()

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