
Set in feudal-era Japan, a young boy named Kotaro and his faithful dog Tobimaru are caught in the turmoil of a grim prophecy. At the request of the Ming Dynasty's aging emperor, the boy is pursued by a band of formidable Chinese assassins. After escaping the destruction of the temple that took him in, he runs into a mysterious stranger who gets pulled into the chase. When Kotaro's dog is poisoned, the nameless stranger reluctantly accepts payment to escort them to a temple in Shirato. The unlikely companions form a bond over saving Tobimaru's life, but unrest is brewing all around them. The Chinese assassins clash with the local lord as they build a religious tower, and a blond-haired, bloodthirsty swordsman among them seeks a worthy opponent. Chaos erupts when the assassins find Kotaro, and the Stranger must face his past before a horrible fate is met again. (Anime Ltd)


Bandas sonoras

Sword of the Stranger

Sword of the Stranger

Lançada por: Aniplex

Ano: 2007

País: Japão

Formato: CD

Duração: 46:31

1. 序章 佐藤直紀 00:29
2. 羅刹の宴 佐藤直紀 03:28
3. 小さな逃亡者 佐藤直紀 00:47
4. 出会い… 佐藤直紀 03:12
5. 獣牙 佐藤直紀 01:04
6. 蠢く闇 佐藤直紀 01:07
7. 少年と犬 佐藤直紀 01:15
8. よるべなき者たち 佐藤直紀 00:49
9. 双黒の鬼 佐藤直紀 02:08
10. 緋幻夢 佐藤直紀 02:10
11. つかの間のやすらぎ 佐藤直紀 00:55
12. 穢れなき悪戯 佐藤直紀 02:44
13. 名も無き瑕 佐藤直紀 01:59
14. 月夜の静寂 佐藤直紀 01:26
15. 汚れた血 佐藤直紀 02:45
16. うたかたの日々 佐藤直紀 01:27
17. 迷妄の地 佐藤直紀 00:53
18. 三つ巴 佐藤直紀 01:15
19. 許されざる魂 佐藤直紀 02:17
20. 贖いの雪 佐藤直紀 02:22
21. 武神 佐藤直紀 01:41
22. 疾風戦野 佐藤直紀 02:35
23. 翔る剣 佐藤直紀 01:12
24. 異邦人の刃 佐藤直紀 04:24
25. 空の涯まで 佐藤直紀 02:07