30 Dias de Escuridão

  • USA 30 Days of Night (mais)
Trailer 1


In a small Alaskan town, thirty days of night is a natural phenomenon. Very few outsiders visit, until a band of bloodthirsty, deathly pale vampires mark their arrival by savagely attacking sled dogs. But soon they find there are much more satisfying thirst-quenchers about: human beings. One by one, the townspeople succumb to a living nightmare, but a small group survives - at least for now. The vampires use the dark to their advantage, and surviving this cold hell is a game of cat and mouse - and screams. (Columbia Pictures US)


Bandas sonoras

30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Lançada por: Invada

Ano: 2015

País: USA

Formato: LP, digital

Duração: 47:14

Tracklist CD 1 Duração: 22:34
1. SIDE A: Prelude / Last Day Of Sun Brian Reitzell 02:57
2. Girl Bait Brian Reitzell 03:38
3. Muffin Monster Brian Reitzell 01:56
4. Soon There Will Be Just 5 Brian Reitzell 05:20
5. SIDE B: Vampires On The Horizon Brian Reitzell 01:20
6. They Didn't Take Me Brian Reitzell 01:31
7. Barrow Burns Brian Reitzell 02:14
8. Ditchwiched Brian Reitzell 03:38
Tracklist CD 2 Duração: 24:40
1. SIDE C: Vampired Johnny Brian Reitzell 03:14
2. Gus Loses His Head Brian Reitzell 01:31
3. You Wanna Play With Me Now? Brian Reitzell 02:58
4. The Bloody Fruits Of Barrow Brian Reitzell 02:15
5. SIDE D: Eben Shoots Up Brian Reitzell 02:41
6. The One Who Fights Brian Reitzell 03:13
7. Daybreak Brian Reitzell 02:34
8. Overture Brian Reitzell 02:22
9. Underture Brian Reitzell 03:52
30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Lançada por: Ipecac Recordings

Ano: 2007

Duração: 47:22

1. Prelude / Last Day of Sun Brian Reitzell 02:58
2. Girl Bait Brian Reitzell 03:38
3. Muffin Muncher Brian Reitzell 01:57
4. Soon There Will Be Just 5 Brian Reitzell 05:21
5. Vampires On the Horizon Brian Reitzell 01:20
6. They Didn't Take Me Brian Reitzell 01:31
7. Barrow Burns Brian Reitzell 02:14
8. Ditchwitched Brian Reitzell 03:39
9. Vampired Johnny Brian Reitzell 03:14
10. Gus Loses His Head Brian Reitzell 01:31
11. You Wanna Play With Me Now? Brian Reitzell 02:59
12. The Bloody Fruits of Barrow Brian Reitzell 02:16
13. Eben Shoots Up Brian Reitzell 02:42
14. The One Who Fights Brian Reitzell 03:14
15. Daybreak Brian Reitzell 02:34
16. Overture Brian Reitzell 02:22
17. Underture Brian Reitzell 03:52