The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning



It's 1969. The conflict in Viet Nam has exploded to immeasurable proportions, and 18-year-old Dean Hills number is up. Dean's brother Eric, who has already seen his share of combat, plans to take Dean to enlist in his beloved Marine Corps in hopes of keeping an eye on him rather than letting him take his chances at the local induction center. But Dean's plans do not coincide with his older brothers. Instead, he plans to confront Eric about dodging the draft after the boys and their respective girlfriends, Bailey and Chrissie, head across Texas for a final fling of serious fun. Soon after their journey begins, the spirited foursome is spooked by a menacing pair of bikers, Holden and his girlfriend, Alex. When Alex chases the group's jeep, propelling them into a serious accident, Chrissie is thrown from the vehicle. As Alex attempts to rob the injured trio, Sheriff Hoyt arrives on the scene and turns the tables on their would-be assassin. While Chrissie hides in the nearby brush, she watches as the sheriff kills Alex in cold blood and then inexplicably taunts her friends before ordering them into the back of the patrol car. Unbeknownst to Chrissie, Hoyt is headed back to the Hewitt family home where Thomas who is being groomed to become the terrifying monster known as Leatherface and the rest of the Hewitt clan await. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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