
Louisa May Alcott's classic novel, derived from her own family life, tells the story of the March family, four daughters and their mother who are living in New England during the Civil War years. Their father is away in the Union Army as chaplain. We follow the adventures of spirited Jo, lovely Meg, gentle Beth, and romantic Amy. Four "little women" as they explore their talents, test their friendships, fall prey to selfish impulses and sometimes behave with great generosity as people do while achieving adulthood with all its attendant pleasures, frustrations, loves, losses, grief and joy. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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  • nomeações

Academy Awards

  • 1995 - Winona Ryder (Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role)
  • 1995 - Thomas Newman (Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Score))
  • 1995 - Best Achievement in Costume Design
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