
A charming comedy about unexpected and unlimited love. It is based upon Katarina Mazetti's best-selling novel by the same name (1998) and it demonstrates that love is stronger than all our prejudices. The novel by Katarina Mazetti has been translated into several languages...among those for instance German and Russian. Desiré lives alone in the city. Her life consists of her librarian job, the company of her intellectual friends and visits to her senile mother. But most of the time, she is alone. She drinks her espresso in her designer home and fantasises about finding love. Then one day, as she sits in the cemetery thinking, her eyes meet those of Benny. Benny lives alone. His life consists of looking after the farm and the company of the couple who live on the neighbouring farm. But at the end of the day, he is alone. He drinks his instant coffee in his worn, unkept home and fantasises about finding love. Then one day, while he is visiting his parents' graves, his eyes meet those of Desiré. A moment. A smile. And an unexpected love story is about to begin! (texto oficial do distribuidor)

