
Karoline, a young factory worker, finds herself abandoned and pregnant while striving to climb out of poverty in post WW1 Copenhagen. Amidst her struggles, she meets Dagmar, a charismatic woman running a hidden adoption agency within a candy store, helping poor mothers in finding foster homes for their unwanted children. To escape poverty, Karoline takes on the role of a wet-nurse. A strong connection is formed between the two women, yet Karoline’s world shatters as she stumbles upon the dreadful revelation of the nightmarish fate she unknowingly embraces. The Girl with the Needle is a fairytale about a horrible truth. (Cannes Film Festival)


Críticas (3)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português Um drama muito sombrio inspirado em eventos reais, sobre o qual é melhor não ler nada antes. Porque mesmo que a protagonista Karolina esteja no seu pior momento, mais golpes inesperados virão. Do desenho da cena impressionante, sentimos a sujeira e desespero da época, às vezes cativa mesmo com composições expressionistas, cujos significados são simbolicamente completados pelo marido deformado de guerra de Karolina. Muitos detalhes nos quais paramos para refletir sobre como e em que desconforto as pessoas viveram não faz tanto tempo (há cem anos). Vic Carmen Sonne lidera o filme com um brilhante desempenho silencioso, que mais tarde obscurece (literalmente) o espaço mais pequeno de forma tão intensa, com a veterana Trine Dyrholm. A atuação aqui é primordial. As espetadoras sentirão os momentos maternais da história ainda mais intensamente, na sala era possível ouvir muitos suspiros e ver pessoas cobrindo os olhos. [Cannes FF] ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Ugh, that was fun! There were already rumours from Cannes about a rather dark and tormenting film, but I have to say that The Girl with the Needle went even further and in directions I didn't expect. Hats off to the utterly committed performance of Victoria Carmen Sonne, whose bold and thoroughly natural acting is truly immersive for the viewer. Magnus von Horn has a flair for atmosphere and a very believable period setting, at times I really felt completely immersed in this black and white world. A heavy, depressing affair. Not for the faint hearted. [KVIFF 2024] ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês This story about the progressively escalating hardships of a poor, pregnant European girl shortly after the end of the First World War starts out as a working-class social drama and then gradually shifts into the darker realm of expressionistic horror, which is well suited to the beautiful black-and-white cinematography and work with lighting and contrast. Inspired by an actual event, the plot sometimes borders on exploitation with its naturalism, but the scenes with shocking points are fortunately filmed in a subtle and non-explicit way. The performance of the actress in the lead role is very evocative, the period atmosphere is appropriately bleak and the setting is grimy and fetid. Another major selling point is that it is never clear in advance where the narrative will go next, but it takes a truly remarkable turn on several occasions. ()

Galeria (4)