
Doña Refugio, who is a widow, has been working as an accountant for the last 22 years, so she can support her 3 sons: Fernando, the selfish, who is a Lawyer, marries a very rich girl, Olga, and he separates from his family. Edmundo, who is lazy, makes his mother believe that he is studying very well, to become a doctor, but misses school, sells his books to get some money and gets involved with the wrong people. Nacho, who is very modest, but gets fired from his job, and starts working for a gas company, driving the gas truck. Being that Edmundo gets involved with a drug gang, Refugio begins to live better, because of the money from the drugs, but is caught and put in jail. Refugio has to turn to Fernando, for money to bail Edmundo from jail, but Fernando is in big fight with his wife, who says he is cheating on her, and tries to kill him, divorcing her. Nacho is in an accident with the gas truck, but manages to save the truck from burning, and is rewarded for his bravery. With that money, and Fernando as an attorney, they manage to get Edmundo out of jail, and the 3 sons with the mother go to the Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, to thank her for her family. (Alameda Films)
