Gehen - Wundermittel für Körper und Seele

(filme de TV)
  • inglês Walking - A Cure for Body and Soul (mais)
Alemanha, 2021, 51 min (Special Edition: 28 min)


Birgit Tanner


Old truths need to be remembered, especially at a time when people often spend most of their waking time sitting. This can lead to various health problems, but the cure is relatively simple... Brisk walking increases the passage of oxygen in the body, increases heart rate, trains muscles, joints, and blood vessels, but it also benefits our brain. According to scientists, walking increases awareness and releases hormones that help against everyday stress, which is why it has also long been a form of therapy for mental illness. The latest scientific studies prove the great health benefits of walking as a cure for the body and mind without any side effects. (Academia Film Olomouc)


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