Silence Becomes You

Drama / Fantasia / Romance / Suspense
Reino Unido / Lituânia, 2005, 88 min


Two beautiful sisters lead a very close and remote life in a snow-bound New England mansion. Locked away from society for years the two have lost touch with reality and begin to cook up evil schemes. After luring a young and handsome stranger, Luke, into their web, they begin to seduce him using their otherworldly powers. With 2 sensual girls fawning over his every move, Luke thinks he's died and gone to heaven. But the sisters' plan goes terribly wrong when they failed to consider the traumatic powers of lust, deceit, jealousy and betrayal on their own relationship. If "vengeance is a woman scorned", Silence Becomes You delivers a double dose as this love triangle spirals into a psycho-sexual nightmare gone out of control and somebody is going to get hurt. (texto oficial do distribuidor)
