
The story of this film drama evolves through parallel reminiscences in a fragmented chronological order. The reporter spent twenty hours in a village with the purpose of reconstructing the events of twenty years. In 1945, four previous servants awaited the distribution of land together. Later, Jóska became the president of the local agricultural co-op and Varga became a member of the secret police and in 1952 he almost shot Balogh Anti, just having left the party, to death. The haughty co-op president, Jóska, the man who got Kiskovács to be dismissed from university, was never loved by the villagers. In 1956 Anti led the people against him and he even shot at him. The two men only made peace after a rough fight. Following the revolution, Varga wanted to establish order, but he shot Kocsis Béni, trying to appease him, to death through the door. Varga has left the village already. But the memories and the wounds are felt vividly and the bullet-holes in the doors and walls are still there. Only the dentist, day-dreaming about Paris, and the one-time count living in the village ever since have resigned themselves to their fate. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

