Justin Simms

Justin Simms


Justin Simms is an award-winning writer and filmmaker, and co-owner of Newfound Films with producer Anna Petras. In 2007 Justin directed his debut feature film, Down to the Dirt. Also in 2007 Justin directed Heartless Disappearance into Labrador Seas, a thirty-minute TV pilot for CBC, written by Justin’s frequent collaborator, Lois Brown (The Bingo Robbers) “Heartless” stars Liane Balaban and Andy Jones.

In 2006 Justin’s short film Punch-up at a Wedding premiered at the 26th Atlantic Film Festival, where it was awarded the Best Screenplay, Best Atlantic Short and Best Director prizes. The darkly humored comedy was invited to make its international premiere as an Official Selection at the 54th Sydney Film Festival, Australia, later that year.

In 2006 also saw Justin complete a ten-month directing program at the prestigious Canadian Film Centre. His residency at the CFC culminated in his sci-fi love story Face Machine, which received its world premiere at the Montreal World Film Festival in August 2006 and has subsequently been awarded a Platinum Remmi Award at Cinefest, Houston, and the Best Director prize at the International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival in Phoenix, Arizona.

Later in 2007 Justin received the great honour of being named Emerging Artist of the Year, by the Newfoundland & Labrador Arts Council.

Justin’s first independent film, 2002’s one-hour drama, Ashore, (following a father and son dealing with crisis in the fishery) played at film festivals throughout Canada and the U.S., and won three Golden Sheaf Awards (Best Drama, Best Director, and Best Actor-Joel Hynes) at the 2003 Yorkton Film Festival. Ashore marked the first meaningful collaboration between Justin, Joel Hynes, and Anna Petras, all three of whom would move into the feature film world together with Down to the Dirt.

Justin currently has three feature screenplays in funded development: the political love story Come From Away; a feature film version of The King Hunt; and Three Dogs Barking, a feature film adaptation of the acclaimed play by Newfoundland playwright Frank Barry.

Justin runs PICTURE START at the Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative (NIFCO), where he has shot, edited, and mentored more than forty films of varying styles and genres. He is a founding member of the Nickel Independent Film & Video Festival - a week-long non-profit event.

Mongrel Media




Hebron Relocation


Hell or Clean Water


Nalujuk Night





Becoming Labrador



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