Andrey Khrzhanovskiy

Andrey Khrzhanovskiy

nasc. 30/11/1939 (84 anos)
Moskva, Rusko, União Soviética


Andrey Khrzhanovsky (b. 1939, Moscow) studied film direction at VGIK (1962) and then worked for the Sojuzmultfilm studio; he has been teaching animation at the Higher Courses of Script Writers and Directors since 1982. After his debut Once upon a Time There Lived Kozyavin (1966) he became established as an important film animator whose work reflects existential issues in the context of cultural phenomena. Other films inspired by the fine arts and literature: A Glass Concertina (1968), In the World of Fables (1973), I Fly to You as a Remembrance (1977), And I Am with You Again (1980) and The Return (1990). He garnered the greatest number of awards at home and abroad for the film Lion with a Grey Beard (Lev s sedoy borodoy, 1995). His series of films about people, events and art includes Room and a Half about the life of the poet Joseph Brodsky.

MFF Karlovy Vary




